Copthorne Masonic Lodge Established 1933 |
Home Charities Freemasonry Lodge History Joining Calendar CharitiesFreemasonry is based on the three principles of Brotherly Love, Relief (Charity) and Truth. Individual Freemasons make donations to charity as individuals and through their Lodge. There is no stipulated or fixed amount for charitable donation and this depends entirely on each individual's circumstances and inclination. Part of a Freemason's subscriptions are also used to support central charitable works. Freemasonry is a major source of regular charitable support in the United Kingdom (and worldwide), second, in the UK, only to the national lottery. Each Lodge will support a number of charities and the Master of the Lodge will nominate a charity of his choice during his year in office. Copthorne Lodge supports the following worthy causes directly: Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey 2019 Festival Patron of the Masonic Samaritan Fund Patron of James Terry Court Patron of the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys Diamond Patron of Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI) Copthorne Lodge has also made direct contributions to support the work of several local charities, including St. Christopher's Hospice and St. Raphael's Hospice. The Copthorne Lodge Benevolent and Charities Association is linked directly to our Lodge. Members of Copthorne Lodge may support the Association with individual donations, occasional or regular, which are then used to support the on-going charitable work of the Lodge. The Association can also provide charitable aid or support to a wide range of causes at the discretion of its committee and membership. Every Lodge has a Charity Steward, charged with raising funds for Charity from the Lodge. Every Lodge also has an Almoner, charged with providing support for sick or distressed brethren of the Lodge, their widows and dependents. He will maintain contact, visit and provide necessary support according to the needs of the brother and their families. All Masonic Lodges in Surrey generate funds for the Surrey Provincial Charities, which has, for instance, donated £35,000 to the Haiti Appeal, £20,000 to the Chile Earthquake fund and many other donations to local and national causes, such as the Surrey Air Ambulance. At the national level, The Freemasons' Grand Charity uses funds from contributions, investments, donations and festivals to provide some £8 million annually (2009) in charitable expenditure for both Masonic causes, relief and benevolent funds, and help in the wider community. In 2009, some £500,000 was distributed to support 225 hospice services and £759,000 has been donated to date to Air Ambulance services across the country. Other areas of support include Medical Research, (Moorfields Eye Hospital, Motor Neurone Disease and Cancer Research, for instance), support for Youth Opportunities and in support of Vulnerable people. Substantial donations are also made to Disaster Relief funds as needed. Many other large and small causes also receive support from this organisation.
Freemasonry is based on the three principles of Brotherly Love, Relief (charity) and Truth Freemasonry is a major source of regular charitable support in the UK, second only to the National Lottery The Master of the Lodge will nominate a charity of his choice during his year in office