Copthorne Masonic Lodge
5427 Established 1933 |
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Memoriam Copthorne Lodge No. 5427 Copthorne Masonic Lodge (Number 5427) is governed by the United Grand Lodge of England and is under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey. The Lodge meets at least four times each year (the last Saturdays in September, November and March, and the 3rd Saturday in May) at the Sutton Masonic Hall in Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey. The Lodge organises a number of purely social events during the year for members and their partners and runs "Lodges of Instruction" (rehearsals for meetings) on the several Wednesdays prior to a meeting. Copthorne Lodge also holds exchange visits with French (GLNF) Lodges, when possible, and participates in local activities. Copthorne Lodge's Worshipful Master for 2011/12 Walter Evans celebrated seventy-five years as a Freemason. He was installed into the chair by his son W. Bro. John Evans. Walter Lewis Evans PPSGW born September 1913 passed to the Grand Lodge above 24 March 2013, 6 months from his 100th Birthday and 18 months before the 80th Anniversary of his initiation into Freemasonry (Obituary). Copthorne Lodge membership is drawn from all walks of life and the Lodge welcomes applications for new members who meet the United Grand Lodge of England criteria for application - adult men of all faiths who are of good standing and who profess belief in a Supreme Being. Please visit our joining page if you would like further information. Freemasonry is neither religious nor political and raises substantial sums of money for both Masonic and Non-Masonic charities for distribution at local and national levels. Individuals join Freemasonry for a wide variety of reasons. Some for fellowship, the opportunity to make new friends and enjoy their company at Lodge meetings and associated formal dinners (called "festive boards") and in a purely social context. Freemasons participate in fun, if somewhat idiosyncratic, meetings which have a clear ceremonial structure. Many like to take an active role in these meetings, taking pride in performing their duties with accuracy and aplomb. Members appreciate the assurance of charitable giving to well-organised and worthwhile causes, always within their means and on an entirely voluntary basis. Some join out of curiosity, and find there is a rich and fascinating Masonic tradition of esoteric learning and history that unfolds for those who wish to pursue it. Freemasonry provides a route to a personal enlightenment and moral self-improvement, encoded and revealed in the allegorical nature of the meetings. If you would like to find out more about Freemasonry please browse our other pages or visit the United Grand Lodge of England or Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey websites. The United Grand Lodge of England has produced a booklet entitled "Are you thinking of becoming a Freemason?", which contains information about Freemasonry, its history and a description of the structure of the Lodge and its people and may be downloaded as a pdf file. If you would like to find out more about Copthorne Lodge, please contact our Hon. Secretary. You can visit Freemasons' Hall in Great Queen Street, London WC2, who organise regular free guided tours and visit the Library and Museum of Freemasonry there, which is also free and houses a substantial collection of material relating to Freemasonry. Please check opening times. Sutton Masonic Hall, 9 Grove Road Sutton Masonic Hall (Sutton Masonic Hall official website) was founded in 1898 and has been in use as a Masonic meeting place since then, except for two short periods during the Great and Second World Wars when it was requisitioned by the authorities for public service. Sutton Masonic Hall is a two minute walk from Sutton Rail station. Find out more about Sutton Masonic Hall, and its location. Contact: Hon. Secretary.
There are over 330000 freemasons in the UK and some 6 million worldwide Freemasonry is based on the three principles of Brotherly Love, Relief (charity) and Truth Freemasons do not seek preferment or advantage through their membership of the fraternity