Freemason's Lodge 5427 Established 1933 |
Home Charities Freemasonry Lodge History Joining Calendar Applying to Join Copthorne Lodge As indicated elsewhere, the necessary criteria for joining a Masonic Lodge are that you are male, aged over 21 years, of good character and report, and have a continuing belief in a Supreme Being. If you are local and would like to find out more about Copthorne Lodge, please contact our Hon. Secretary. If you wish to apply to join Copthorne (or any other Lodge under the auspices of the United Grand Lodge of England), and are not already a Mason, you will need to undertake the declaration shown below. If you have difficulty with any of these undertakings, please feel free to discuss this with a senior member of the Lodge prior to completing your application form. Freemasonry is open to those of all faiths and does not conflict with the practice of any religious observances. The precise nature of the Supreme Being you believe in is a matter for your own conscience and you will not be required to describe or defend the nature of your belief. Once you complete the application your name will be put forward to the Grand Lodge and a ballot for your acceptance made in open Lodge at the next available meeting. You will be invited to an interview with the senior officers of the Lodge, which will be an opportunity to meet more members of the Lodge, and where you will be asked to confirm aspects of your declaration. Assuming all goes well, a date will be set for your initiation into Freemasonry, which will be at the next available main meeting of the Lodge. There may be some delay, depending on other business arranged for the meetings in the year. You will be required to pay for a year's subscription to the Lodge (currently £220, but subject to change) and an initiation fee (currently £150), which covers the costs associated with your registration with the Provincial and Grand Lodges. Your membership fee covers the various running costs of the Lodge, the four "festive board" (formal dinners after each meeting) meals and a contribution to charitable causes. This fee also includes membership of the Provincial and Grand Lodges, and they both publish magazines which are sent to you from time to time. The initiation ceremony does involve an element of theatre, but it may be enjoyed with confidence. You will be asked to dress appropriately (dark suit, white shirt!) You will be required to make pledges on your honour relating to your previous undertakings and also to keep confidential aspects of what you will be told, notably the "handshake" to Freemasonry. Once initiated you will be able to take your place in the Lodge as an "entered apprentice" (the "first degree in Craft Masonry"), but you will be asked to leave the Lodge when business in a "higher degree" is conducted. At some point you will undergo a second ceremony and be "passed" to "fellowcraft" (the "second degree"). Later again you will be "raised" to "Master-Mason" and you will then be able to attend all regular business of the Lodge. In due course, you may wish to take office within the Lodge, and possibly be elected "Worshipful Master" for a year. Once initiated, you will be able to accept invitations from Masons to visit other Lodges, and to invite new Masonic friends to your Lodge. Many Freemasons belong to multiple Lodges and visit frequently, and become very involved with the movement. Some Masons are content to remain in "Craft" Masonry throughout their Masonic career, but there is ample opportunity as a Master Mason to explore a wide range of other aspects of Freemasonry, such as Chapter, Mark Master Masonry, The Royal Arch, and many others, each with their own particular area of study and entry requirements (for instance, some require belief in a Trinitarian Christian faith or to have been Master of a Craft Lodge). You can, of course, resign from your Lodge or from Freemasonry, but you should do so "in good order", by letting your Secretary know and making sure your back-subscriptions are up-to-date. If you do not, you may find it difficult to re-join later.
We also have a history of exchange visits with former Grand Lodge Nationale Française (GLNF) Lodges in France, having a particular bond with St. Jean de Beaumont 684, now with Grande Loge Nationale Des Francs-Macons D’Allemagne (UGLE recognised Grand Lodge, being part of the Grand Lodges of Germany) Lodge in Arras, Pas-de-Calais. We would particularly welcome French/French speaking members - or indeed any multi language speakers. If you would like to find out more about Freemasonry please browse our other pages or visit the United Grand Lodge of England or Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey websites. The United Grand Lodge of England has produced a booklet entitled "Are you thinking of becoming a Freemason?", which contains information about Freemasonry, there is also an introductory video to watch. The Undertakings Prior to Joining Freemasonry (Declaration) I wish to become a Candidate for initiation in and membership of the Lodge first named overleaf and I declare that:- 1. My application is entirely voluntary. 2. I understand that my duties as a Freemason would include an overriding duty to obey the laws of any country to which I may be subject. 3. I do not expect, anticipate or seek any preferment or financial benefit as a consequence of my being a member of the Craft. 4. I understand that I may freely declare my membership of the Order on any occasion when I can be seen not thereby to be pursuing any business, professional or personal advantage. 5. a. I have never been convicted by a Court of any Offence. b. I have never been the subject of a finding of dishonest or disgraceful conduct. c. I have never been disciplined by any professional, trade or other tribunal. d. I am not awaiting the outcome of proceedings against me before a criminal court or a professional, trade or other tribunal. e. I am not, to the best of my knowledge, the subject of any criminal, professional, trade or other investigation. 6. I am not and have not been in any way connected with any organisation which is quasi-Masonic, imitative of Masonry, or regarded by the Grand Lodge as irregular or incompatible with the Craft. 7. I undertake that if any paragraph in this declaration should become untrue or misleading at any time before I am made a Mason, I will inform my proposer and seconder without delay, and agree that by presenting myself at the meeting at which I am to be made a Mason I shall represent that this declaration remains true. Section 5: IF THE CANDIDATE CANNOT MAKE THIS DECLARATION WITHOUT QUALIFICATION, OR IN ANY DOUBT AS TO THE SCOPE OF THIS PARAGRAPH HE MUST CONSULT HIS PROPOSER AND SECONDER BEFORE SIGNING THIS FORM OR OTHERWISE CONTINUING WITH HIS APPLICATION. PARAGRAPH 5 MUST BE AMENDED BY DELETING ANY SUB-PARAGRAPH TO WHICH THE CANDIDATE CANNOT SUBSCRIBE. FULL DETAILS OF ANY CONVICTIONS OR ANY SUCH PROCEEDINGS MUST BE DISCLOSED TO HIS PROPOSER, SECONDER AND SECRETARY TO THE LODGE. THE CERTIFICATE OF THE GRAND SECRETARY CONFIRMING THAT THE MATTERS DISCLOSED DO NOT CONSTITUTE A BAR TO INITIATION MUST THEN BE OBTAINED BEFORE THE CANDIDATE MAY BE PROPOSED IN OPEN LODGE. IF AT ANY TIME BEFORE INITIATION THIS DECLARATION BECOMES UNTRUE OR MISLEADING A FURTHER CERTIFICATE MUST BE OBTAINED. Section 6: MEMBERSHIP OF A RECOGNISED REGISTERED FRIENDLY SOCIETY DOES NOT COME WITHIN THIS CATEGORY.
There is nothing in the obligations a Freemason takes that conflicts with his civil duty or that to his family The initiation ceremony does involve an element of theatre, but may be enjoyed with confidence. There are Freemason Lodges for women. They operate just like those for men, but do not admit men.