Copthorne Masonic Lodge 5427 Established 1933 |
Home Charities Freemasonry Lodge History Joining Calendar Copthorne Lodge's Display Team in ActionReprinted from "Surrey Mason" magazine, issue 23, Autumn 2010, p. 19 Copthorne Lodge 5427 turned out in force in Sutton on Sunday 18th July, to man a display stand, which was provided by the Provincial Information & Communications Committee. This display was part of the London Borough of Sutton's "Take Part-Take Pride" week which enabled local and voluntary organisations to use 10 marquees set out in the centre of Sutton High Street. Originally planned to start at twelve noon the members were up and running well before the official start and immediately attracted a mixture of interested parties. A proportion of those who stopped and talked were women: a number of whom had attended the Royal Masonic School for Girls and had nothing but praise for Freemasonry. A variety of local and not so local brethren also visited and expressed the view that it was good to see Freemasons promoting Freemasonry. The stand also received a number of positive enquiries from non-masons which Copthorne Lodge are in the process of following up with the assistance of the MCC. The London Borough of Sutton expressed the view that they were happy with Copthorne Lodge's participation in the event and it is hoped that this favourable opinion will enable a similar stand to be run at next year's event. Copthorne Lodge has taken the opportunity to become involved in a local event thereby increasing both its profile and that of Freemasonry. Lodges have available a wide range of promotional material from province and with the assistance of the MCC, it is possible for every Lodge to become proactive, participate in a local event and take up the membership challenge.
The London Borough of Sutton is in the south-west of London with a population of about 186,000 The Royal Masonic School for Girls was founded in 1788 to educate the daughters of distressed Freemasons. It is now open to girls of all backgrounds and faiths Freemasonry welcomes enquiries from all and seeks to expand its membership